Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

A glimpse of a short story

'Just like a tree, When the fall came, a green leaf and flower started to bloom, -but as soon as the time goes by, its color and appearance turned into an old one, the leaves were fall and the flowers were withered. But as soon as the spring comes, then the new ones start to bloom and growing on the same tree'
It happen when the story happened and took place, as time goes by and fade and became the past memories, but there is always the brand new day, the day that waiting us to be written down and still with the same person to adjust with the time.

Happy New Year 2013

Saatnya bersih-bersih blooog,..

blog yang udah bener-bener mulai terlupakan, dan lagi gak butuh banyak inspirasi kok buat ngpost entry,

cuman butuh obat pengusirr “Lazickness” :D

Mengawali tahun baru, mengawali cerita baruuu,

sambil mulai merenung tiba-tiba keeinget, 

Keeinget skripsi baru sampe bab 2, dan PPL depan jidat, goossh ><
Ehem keinget uda ditahun trakhir, uda ngelewatin hampir 4 tahun di kampus tercinta, dan fakultas andalan, eehehe..:D
*Turn on 90’s old songs
Uda banyak banget hal-hal yang sayang untuk kelewat sampai hal-hal yang uda deh buruan aja ngilang,
Mulai dari ketemu temen lama, (clbk) *ehem
Pergi-datang-pergi-dateng-pergi gak dijemput kaya jelakung,^^v
Temen lama, dan yang lain dateng sekilas (cuman numpang ngiklan)
sampe ketemu gebetan baru, hehe..
dapet sobat setia kapan aja nemenin sampe masuk ke lubang buaya, XD
hehe they are so gorgeous and crazy friends ever,
and others like haters (kalo ad J)
Thanks for all that has been coloring my past 3 years ago, and the years recently,
Uda banyak banget hal-hal yang sesuatuu banget pokonya,..
Events, celebration, competiton, and others business,
Happy, blue, mellow, slow, simple, frustrated,
Proposal, teaching, literature,
And so on,..
Semua itu uda banyak hal juga yang mulai merubah cara pikir dan cara pandang gua ,apapaun itu, I hope it can be for the better change
Banyak hal pula yang masih pingin gua utarain, tapi masih juga mengganjal di kerongkongan, uda kaya radang gt, :@
But overall, I just wanna say learn from the experience, to be the best in the future, do the right things from now on, just simple being me, love all my friends and enemies too, and living my life, :D
And for my best frienemies, you are the best friend ever, truly madly deeply like you, and never say I got mad because of you, cz it’s hardly to hate you, and erase you, keep smiling wherever you are pal, mizzu sobad :’)
And for all my best pals, college friends, junior high school, senior high school, elementary, kindergarten, my neighbor,dst
As the time goes by, I will understand everything, guys, thanks for making me so mature like this.
Life still goes on, focus study, and graduate soon,
Buat jodoh gua nanti, baik2 disana, tunggu gua sukses dimasa depan, :D
(Peluk keluarga, cium ortu :*)
Thank God, for the breath that letting me coloring and living my life, hamsahamnida, saranghae <3

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