Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

LIFE=Born, School, Work, Married, old, then die,…???

Lahir, sekolah, bekerja, menikah, tua, dan kemudian menemui ajal,..
Sebuah siklus dari kehidupan yang rata-rata setiap orang jalani. Sebuah siklus kehidupan yang normal, benar-benar normal..
dan datar..
Dimulai dari lahir,..
Ketika pertama kali kita dilahirkan di dunia ini, kita belumlah mengerti apa yang menjadi tujuan hidup kita. Apa mimpi kita? Apa harapan kita dimasa mendatang? Apa yang akan kita capai? Apa yang benar-benar kita inginkan?..and bla…bla…bla..

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011


ori made by :inggit octavia


Cold morning air mastering
the streets was closed off by the white color
Trees covered in white
The leaves and flowers are frozen stiff by the cold dew
Fog clot, and dark clouds blanketed,
All white looks pale and motionless,..
I gasp at the sight,
I can feel snow, cold in my body
Snow that makes my mind and my heart is frantic and frozen,
Snow that sculpting me and made me stay silence,
Chilled, frozen, and stiff..
Snow from him...
he brought the cold snow at my heart,
he was the snow in the month of June,
The snow that will never be persisted,
Snow that marked his departure
So sad, cold, silence and lonely….